Before Surgery Checklist

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Presurgery Checklist

It is important for you to follow these guidelines before surgery to prevent delay or cancellations.

Food and Drink
Do not drink or eat anything after midnight—not even coffee or water. Please refrain from using mints or chewing gum.  You may brush your teeth, remembering not to swallow anything.

Do not drink alcohol for at least 12 hours before your arrival.

No smoking/tobacco after midnight the night before your surgery.

Makeup, Nail Polish, Jewelry (including body jewelry)
Please remove all these items before surgery.

Wear loose, casual, comfortable clothing to fit over dressings.

Please leave valuables at home.

Notify The Center & Your Surgeon If

  • You have an elevated temperature, cough, cold, vomiting or diarrhea between your last visit to the surgeon and the day of your surgery.

  • You suspect you may be pregnant.

  • You are taking: diet pills, aspirin, ibuprofen, blood thinners, or certain herbal medicines. You may need to stop taking these 1-2 weeks before your surgery. You can discuss this with your surgeon.

What You Need The Day Of The Surgery

  • Information To Bring: Insurance cards, photo ID, Medicare or Medical Assistance information, numbers and addresses.

  • Driver: You must have a responsible adult to escort you to and from the surgery center.  This person must remain at the facility during your surgery.  Do not plan to use taxis or other public transportation.
  • Escort: A friend, relative or dedicated caregiver MUST stay with you for 24 hours.

  • Legal Guardian: A legal guardian must be in the center AT ALL TIMES for children and dependent adults.
  • Care For Children: If you have young children at home for whom you normally care for, plan for someone else to care for them for at least the first 24 hours following your surgery.

  • Interpreter: If the patient cannot read, speak English or use sign language, an interpreter is required. If you need assistance arranging for an interpreter, please contact the Scheduling department 717-920-8800
  • as soon as possible.

Slate Hill Surgery Center, renowned for its commitment to excellence, proudly displays its AAAHC accreditation, ensuring patients receive top-notch care and safety standards. With a focus on quality assurance and patient satisfaction, Slate Hill Surgery Center continues to lead the industry in providing exceptional healthcare services.